Thursday, February 25, 2010

Week 32 Update

We're officially starting the eighth month this week. Just a few more, okay 8, weeks to go! It honestly seems like we were just at Week 20 and halfway through this adventure.

I finally broke down and created an Amazon Baby Registry. It has all the gear I talked about in this post, plus other items I've thought we might need or others have suggested (three guesses on the only two items Eric has added to the registry). You can see what we've got on the list by clicking on the link above or going to and searching for either of our names on the Baby Registry list.

Within the last week I've been really tired all the time. I still get up for my two potty breaks per night, but now it's getting harder to get back to sleep. The smaller bladder and activity usually wakes the Niesling up so he starts moving or hiccuping and then I can't get back to sleep. Thank goodness for weekends and the time to take naps.

Here are pictures for the last two weeks, I'll hopefully have 32's up soon as well.

Week 30

Week 31

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Week 31 Doctor Appointment

This past Friday I had another doctor's appointment, and like most of the rest, there's not much to report.

I went in, peed in a cup, was weighed, and had my blood pressure taken. Nothing worrisome there. Then Dr. B came in and I got to meet her nurse practitioner who seems like a very nice woman as well. The doctor measured my uterus, 31 inches, and listened to the Niesling's heartbeat, 140 bpm. After that she asked if I had any questions and since I didn't, I was free to go. It took all of 30 minutes from check in to co-pay. Hopefully the next appointment, Wednesday March 3rd, goes as well.

Other than our ultrasound on Wednesday and this doctor's appointment, week 31 was rather uneventful. I ate a lot, peed a lot, and had trouble sleeping a lot. I'm sure that's how life will continue to be until the Niesling decides it is time to make his appearance.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Drumroll Please...

Well, we had another ultrasound today and Eric was right. We will be having a little Eli.

Or so we think.

While we saw parts today that definitely look more boy, you can never be 100% sure until the baby is actually born. But Eric and I feel like we can confidently say, based on what we saw and what we made of it, that we are having a boy.

We are both very excited about this, and while it wasn't as clear as some other ultrasounds we have seen (ahem), we can't wait to meet our little boy. And based on the kicking he's been doing lately, he's going to be a soccer player (I know all women say that and I'm mostly joking).

The Niesling was breathing quite heavily and moving a lot which is great. This will probably be the last ultrasound we do as we are in Week 31 and from now on there's not as much room for the baby to move around in.

As it is Week 31, we should probably get on putting the baby's room together (and clean all my stuff out of it) and I should maybe pack a hospital bag, huh? While anyone who knows me can attest, I am quite the procrastinator I think this is the best reason I'll ever have not to put it off and be ready for when Elijah Julian Nies arrives.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Childbirth Prep Class

Today for the next step in our journey towards parenthood, Eric and I went to a childbirth preparation class at Rapid City Regional. (They do not offer the class in our town.) It was very informative and Eric in particular felt he learned a lot. Some of the information covered was:

  • Discomforts of pregnancy and how to relieve them ,
  • Warning signs of labor,
  • Stages of labor,
  • Positions for labor,
  • Pain management, and
  • Delivery.
We also got a great booklet to read through that will help us.

The part I'm most concerned about at this point (once we get to the hospital) is the pain management. I can freely admit that I am a wimp and will need drugs. But other than that I'm trying to keep an open mind and just see how things proceed before deciding on what to go with. The idea of an epidural worries me a little, but I do feel better today after the class and seeing the small catheter they insert into a woman's back. And learning that it does not actually penetrate the spine.

As we were sitting in this class, Eric kept leaning over and whispering to me with an evil grin, "Are you ready for this?" (He also kept mentioning how glad he is that he's a man. Imagine that.) Well, it's a little late for second thoughts. I used to think I never wanted kids or wanted to adopt (which I would still like to do) because I couldn't handle childbirth. But really, what is there to worry about nowadays? Every person on Earth came into being from a woman. If they can do it, I can. While I am slightly scared and nervous, I know Eric will be with me and I have a great support system beyond him. Just the thought of all those people put me at ease. (But I still don't understand people who choose to give birth at home rather than a hospital. Why not take advantage of medical technology and be where they can take care of you and the baby if something happens?)

Due to weather, Eric and I did not go back to the class after lunch. The roads were not good coming home and we felt we had gotten our money's worth out of the class already. Plus they were doing the tour for half of the afternoon and as we will not be delivering at that hospital, we felt it was unnecessary. However, we can get a tour at the hospital where we will be delivering just about anytime we want.

In other news, we purchased our Pack 'N Play! So really we had two big steps today towards the Niesling. As I have mentioned before, this is what we will be using instead of a crib for the first few months (unless baby decides otherwise of course).

All in all, it was a very educational day and only makes me more excited to meet our baby.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Week 29 and Picture Comparison

Week 29 started with the Niesling and I still doing well. Eating every two hours (approximately) and going to the bathroom just about as often are still the norm for me.

Last Friday we also had a doctor's appointment. Eric missed out on talking with Dr. B because he had to go back to work. She measured my uterus (29 inches!) and listened to the baby's heartbeat (140 bpm!). We talked a little and she answered a couple questions I had, primarily about doctors in Spearfish (I think we'll stick with her for both the Niesling and myself) and putting together a birth plan. From what I've read, that's a big part of preparing nowadays, having a typed up birth plan to give the doctor and anyone else you may come into contact with on the big day. Dr. B said she doesn't find it necessary as we will discuss all of the issues before the Niesling makes his/her first appearance. I think I'll look over outlines on the Internet and in books just to give me and Eric ideas on what we will be facing and questions we need to think about.

I also had my glucose test at last week's appointment and we just received word today that my glucose levels are normal. Dr. B's nurse Anna did say my iron levels are a little low and so I need to be taking a supplement for it, but it is nothing to be concerned about. Whew! I was really worried I would be giving up sugar for the next 10 weeks. The next doctor's appointment is set for the 19th. We will be seeing her every two weeks until the end of March (week 36) then will be in to see her every week. It's getting so close!

Eric and I have also scheduled another ultrasound next Wednesday. We want to try to get the Niesling to loosen up a little and show us his/her goods. Also my parents will be there for this one so that will be exciting for all of us.

Today was exciting for me as well because the baby was continuously moving while I was sitting. Before there was movement when I was relaxing at night or in bed, but now the Niesling is making his/her presence known all the time. And you can see the bulges in my belly where a foot or elbow is pushing for more room.

I do have pictures for week 29, and for comparison purposes have included the very first pictures from week 8. You can definitely tell a difference now! Thankfully the difference is pretty much only in my belly and hair increases. I didn't realize how big I had gotten until I looked at these pictures side by side!

Week 8

Week 29