2010 was a crazy year for us. We had all kinds of changes and fun times:
- First, and most important, was Elijah joining our family. He has changed our lives but only in good ways. I've learned so much in the last 8 months of being his mom. I never thought I could love a baby as much as I do. I am blessed to have him.
- The second biggest change in our lives is our new home. We now reside on 5 acres in a beautiful 4 bedroom 3 bath house. Thanks to Eric's hard work we got the landscaping done before the snow set in. It will be a great place to raise our family.
- This year we were asked to be godparents for the children of good friends. We were happy to accept and were able to travel to Omaha to be there for both kids' baptisms. Elijah met his good buddy Sean who is only 5 weeks older than him.
- We also drove to southern Missouri and had a wonderful week long vacation with Eric's family. We spent our days sitting by the Lake of the Ozarks, watching the boats drive by. It was a great opportunity for Eli to spend some quality time with his grandparents.
- I also started participating in Community Bible Study in Spearfish. It is the second study I have done and am thoroughly enjoying it. Not only do I get to study the Word of God but I've met some wonderful women and get a little baby free time. Elijah spent the first two months crying through the once a week sessions but has grown to enjoy his playtime with the other babies in the nursery. I'm excited to attend the second half and finish learning about the Book of Revelation. I plan on being a part of CBS for many years to come.
- Eric revived his love of music by being part of the local production of My Fair Lady. While it sounds to me like he spent more time playing Blokus than rehearsing, I think he had a great time. Elijah and I missed him dearly during his rehearsals and performances but it also allowed us to set up his bedtime routine without worrying about Daddy being alone will Mom soothed the baby to sleep.
- The Nies family was also blessed by a second grandchild this year. Little Timothy Amos was born 12/08/10 and is as cute as can be. He's had some troubles here at the beginning of his life but he could not have better parents to get him through it. We are anxious to meet him and for he and Elijah to become close friends and cousins!
Happy New Year everyone!
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